Friday, March 2, 2012

Northern Territory - Darwin - Uluru - Melbourne

Northern Territory - 2012

Just returned from a fantastic and relaxing (very humid) holiday to stay with Jamie and Maddy in Darwin and have a look around. This is my third trip to Darwin, the first back in 1972 on a family holiday....things have really changed since then I can say. (post Cyclone Tracey).
As Maddy was working Jamie showed us around Litchfield National Park, and a few places were closed, although the wet season had not exactly arrived in full.

Jamie showing his ability to make a big splash! He was promptly followed by a much larger fellow who decided he too wanted to get into photos and create a tidal wave!

Wangi Falls

Geoff and I taking a dip (sun smart) in Buley Rock pools. What a fantastic massage against the water pouring down. Really needed that dip, was a little too crowded at Florence Falls and uneven for this old duck to scramble in and out of.
 Geoff and I took a bus tour to Kakadu for a day and took a small plane flight to be gob smacked by the size of Kakadu from the air. Slightly dissappointed as the wet season had not kicked in and the birdlife and waterways were not as I had imagined.

Morning Tea stop on the bus to Kakadu....just up the road from Humpty Doo!
Luckily Maddy had contacts and she organised another trip out there a few days later to Carmor Plains Wildlife Reserve, and it was fantastic. A ride on an Airboat around the waterways and across the reserve to see a magnificent display of birds, buffalo, crocs, barramundi jumping out of the road of the crocs, a pack of dingo, wild horses etc....
The 26km driveway in gave us an indication of what we were to see......keep your eyes open, follow the poo trails and you will come across something. Would recommend to anyone.

What are you lookin at?????

Buffalo grazing on the plains....or swimming in the water!

Go around me if you dare!

Having a great time on the Airboat at 80kph...what a great job!

It is usually visited by international hunters to shoot buffalo etc but it is an amazing place that borders the ocean on the other side so also fishing charters as well. A day trip to remember that we all "thoroughly enjoyed".

"Bull" the pet 14 ft croc.....will be fed outside the fence soon for saftey sake.

Owners pet "Bull" 14ft hungry croc....and I have never seen such a leap out of a still pond for a chunk of buffalo meat. He tells us you should never stand around any puddle in NT just in case, and now I believe him.

Slithers back in and you would not know anything was there!

  Maddy had a Sunday off so we all jumped on the Ferry for a lunch at the Mandorah Hotel.....Barramundi and salad was the best I had while I was up there. It is a "No hot chips" with any food Hotel....that is a first. Of course Geoff thought that was ridiculous! Very hot day but so relaxing.

Mandorah Jetty

 Kakadu National Park

Colorful rocks.....amazing!

What a show off this species is.

Takign care of its young in flight - never far away.

Yeloow Water Cruise
Plane trip over Kakadu National Park - so much heat from the rocks we had a bit of an up and down trip, probably did not take enough water with us....very very hot up there.

You are so lucky I have eaten....... head count required on last cruise boat through before lunch!!!!

Twin Falls - Seen via small plane which we were lucky enough to be the only passengers.

After leaving Darwin we headed on a bus to Katherine to join The Ghan to Alice Springs as the bridge was still being completed after floods caused major damage. You can never plan what interuptions you may have when you book a holiday 6 months in advance.
At Katherine we chose to do a trip to Katherine Gorge (what we used to call it) now Nitmiluk as we had a fair bit of time to fill in before we could board The Ghan for Alice Springs.

Katherine Gorge - Nitmiluk

 Ayers Rock - Uluru

A flight out to Uluru on arrival at Alice Springs was next. We had a couple of hours to sit around and have something cold, take a walk to the Todd River which was very dry as per usual with little rain and loads of litter as I remember it back in 1972. Some things never change!

Sunset looking towards The Olgas or Kata Tjuta

Ayers Rock or Uluru from the sunset viewing area. Many spots are out of bounds after you pay the $25 entrance fee. Cannot photograph certain areas due to the importance to the locals - alot of changes since i was there last time in 1972 when you could climb and enjoy and camp where you liked. Too many rules and regulations......will be my last visit.
I consider Australia belongs to all those that live here and contribute to make it a better place for the future!

From one of the viewing areas at Yalara.

Dusk at the rock

Geoff on the sunset harley ride we did.....what a great tour around the rock. Once again too many restrictions on what you can photograph and what you cannot. Where you can stop and where you have to move on.

Climbed the rock in 1972 and cannot believe that I did at the age of.....mmm not saying but back then you have no fear. I signed the book and have a certificate...nowadays you buy a certificate to say you didn't climb it. Another money spinner. I say if you want to then do it! Not for the faint hearted and pick your day to do it.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Maldives - What lies beneath the Indian Ocean?

Reef Shark (Just little ones up to a metre) were everywhere chasing the tiny schools of fish along the sand. While they were there I was happy snorkelling out deeper. The only creepy thing I came across was a jellyfish and a lionfish which I am told is not one to go near....I was out of the water otherwise i may have tried to get a closer photo. Need to brush up on my friendly and "deadly" fish before I head off on another water holiday maybe. Makunudu had Grey Nurse sharks come into the jetty area at dusk and they were huge. They assured us that they do not hang around during the day. Just as well as I may not have got back in the water. Even if they are not killers they are very big................and scary.

Another frequent visitor under the Villa, seemed to be always there on its own but many around swimming together.

You have no idea how long it took me to get a photo of this particular fish, it was beautiful but very quick and very timid.
These mauve fish were everywhere and I think they just loved having their photo taken, but lovely to watch just the same.

Guess who is hiding....but I waited and waited and finally this turtle poked its head out to make a quick getaway but I was ready for the chase. Just lovely and graceful to watch. In the end it had much more energy than I did. But first turtle I have seen on our snorkelling trips.

Keeping an eye on this large thing following ............ME!

Nemo in a clam. The parents attacked the camera as they are so protective. Reminds me of the movie. Geoff found them not far from Villa 503 at Body Hithi so we made many visits to see what they were up to.

Vibrant blue teeny fish swimming around the coral.

Think I may have seen some of these in the Male Fish Market......and I will be honest I have eaten them at Rarotonga and they are yum crumbed. But I don't look at them all as a good feed with chips and salad.
This one would have to be the most annoying.....they followed us all over the place so I have about 50 photos that they have darted in front of. One kept so close to Geoff for about 30 minutes I thought we would be taking it back to the Villa. I have never seen so many fish that are not afraid of humans and just swim to you and around you. I guess theya re used to humans with so many visitors snorkelling the reef each day. Although there was only ever about half a dozen swimmers out at the one time as most chose to swim in the pool.
Check out the friend looking up Geoffs swimmers......he stuck to him like glue. Not sure why!

Don't you just love the big eyes on this fish? Another timid one that only hangs around rocks and hides from anyone who looks like they are carrying a camera.
This is apparently a Parrot Fish after googling (I stand to be corrected) but they can change shape and size and color over their life time. can I ! We have something in common. Weight gain, sunburn...big bum etc..... I wonder if they look in the mirror and say....:Do I look big in these scales" ?????

Heaps of Cuttlefish swam passed each day in massive numbers darting back and forth......this way they were silvery and you could see their eyes...then they dart back and they are black and unrecognisable. Another first for me.
Ab nearly died of fright when she opened this pic........maybe it is not my best side but heck I have done the right thing by covering up....rash vest, lycra shorts. I learnt the hard way after a trip to Niue and got burnt on the first day. The sun is fierce. SLIP SLOP SLAP.......

I think this is the thumbs up for another ocean adventure.....great! Where will it be........hmmmmm
Cocos Islands, Bora Bora, Marshall Islands, Paulo, Aututaki......I have so many suggestions......but I need to fly first Class or over sniffers...coughers....snorers....plane travel is a pain when you cannot sleep yourself!
This is the third time I have tried to save this .....had other pics and they were good but I am not going to go back and re-do.........................this is painful. If you could upload heaps of pics at the same time and speedy....I would love these blogs.
BUT I am peeved off now and totally over this for the time being. You have only missed out on some very important information on Parrot Fish and photos of me under water in my mermaid costume but heck........mermaids are a dime a dozen. So until the next blog of my 5 star experience at Bodu Hithi....... and Singapore......... keep checking, I am sure you have nothing better to do!


Maldives 2011

A dot in the Indian Ocean

Makunudu Island Resort is 2 ha with 36 Bures dotted around the tiny island. Use of the boats, a Padi Dive lesson, snorkeling gear, night fishing etc.......sounds like a great place for a weeks R & R. Plenty of underwater scenery, reef sharks, green turtles, manta rays etc. Only saw one ray but heaps of Reef Sharks, baby ones around the edge of the island each morning. Who had better not forget the underwater camera on this trip?????
MAKUNUDU ATOLL - Top region to the left, 55 minute speedboat trip from the Male Airport.

Our room for the week....Room 22 and just lovely.
Male - 2.5 sq km approx, 250,000 population. It looks so strange in the middle of the ocean.
Male (prounced Mar-lay)
Not sure why these people did not understand to stay in a queue, it was quite hilarious watching them jump from here to there and get told to go back and then they lost their spot and had to go to the end. Kept Geoff and I amused anyway.

Male airport - 55 minutes to our accommodation by speedboat in the dark. Arrinving at 10pm we will not see much! However leaving a week later at midday. Makunudu here we come.
See I wasn't the only one replacing things although this was just bait....I don't think coral eats fish pieces. Maybe a smart fish just kept wrapping my hook around the rocks.

Water Taxi the only means of transport other than Seaplanes in the Maldives. All ravel was fine except for the day we went to Male and the heavens opened....a little bit rough and arrived soaked back to Makunudu. (Where the rain poured down temporarily as well).

Reception at Makunudu - so helpful and all smiles. Just loved the atmosphere and the personalities. How can you not love your work when you are in a place like this
Bar Area and midday dining.
This bird was a frequent visitor around the island.....
Spoilt as soon as we reached the island to the time we were leaving.
Lunch times here involved food, a few whiskey and cokes and some wine. Habib usually served us and we missed seeing him on the last day. Thanks for your great service.
A nice aussie lunch.....or Italian. Pizza and beer. Yum.
Dining area at the back and a sand floor for bare feet dressing up here thank goodness.
Walk to dinner.......swept each morning. The resort is kept so neat and tidy.
Night Fishing in the Dhoni.......good fun but no fish for this little black duck!!!!!
And of course this was a good catch......looks lovely, nice and blue and destined for the dinner plate.
Bet is now you win. This is night fishing.....I see daylight still in the background. Keep trying!
OK I was trying for the "Diddly squat" fish and still couldn't manage that. I left  more lead on the Indian Ocean floor than I think I am allowed. The guys would have been getting sick of changing my hook.
I am used to doing it myself but was happy to pretend that I wasn't snagged just so they wouldn't go crook! (after 7 sinkers and hooks being snagged on the coral reef!) Ooops
Geoff got the bluish one and a reddish one....fight for it guys. None are mine so who cares!

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View from the Bar and place to congregate at night after dinner. Don' think Geoff and I went once after dinner as most of the other people had all inclusive with drinks as well, we and another aussie couple didn't, apparently we cannot get it from our travel agents. Must think we drink too much......

Loads of books in the library but I did not open one page while I was away....too much else to look at.