Thursday, March 31, 2011

My holiday is not complete without some flower power!

For all those people who love the smell, shape, and color of beautiful tropical flowers.
These were just a few at Namukulu Cottages where we stayed the first week.

Avaiki Caves - Wednesday

Visited Avaiaki Caves for some snorkeling and found the most pristine ecosystem yet of beautiful blue clear water in and around different caves. Plenty of small fish swimming around and also sea snakes, that I still cannot get used to seeing and I quickly get out to wade through the rock pools and explore the inhabitants until they disappear.

Very healthy coral, although this had been broken off.

 Looks like a sea urchin
 Unbelievable blue which the photo does not really give the true color. As you need to go at relatively low tide to get into the cave area we will go back again as we ran out of time after an hour as the swell increases on the outside rocky area. So clear you can see the sea snakes coming towards you, and can quickly reverse and swim away.

 Enjoying the myriad of colored fish and the warm bath temperature of the caves.

Inside the caves are many colored rock formations with stalagmites and stalagtites everywhere. Dripping crystalised water with the sunlight makes it look like you have found diamonds.
Once again the colors do not eactly show what it was really like. Pack your bags and head over, if you love water activities this is just great!
Bit of a tan happening....but cannot stay out in the sun too long without slip slop slap....or you will be burnt to a crisp!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Snorkeling - Limu Pools & Matapa Chasm


How do these things grow? This is embedded in volcanic rock.

After an early rise to get to the market at 6:30am (which we were beaten by another tourist to one of the few Coconut Crabs on offer- "Üga's") so not happy about that.
When the tide was out we headed to Limu Pools and Matapa Chasm for snorkeling.

Did not plan to go to Matapa but another family decided they would throw food into the crystal clear water to encourage the sea snakes out...and proceeded into the water with a vegie peeler and food to see what would eventuate.

Before it started looking like a vegie stew we decided to take off to a more remote place and we hit the jackpot......loaded with fish, very clear water, albeit much colder but only a local polynesian family turned up with their inquisitive children to enjoy the surroundings.

Will go back there again.

 Sea snake....this is a bigger one.

Happy to see them in the water but not so happy that kids are out there trying to see if they get aggressive.
The father doesn't seem to matter what you do they only poke out their forked tongue but don't appear to want to attack you!
Since they were not going to go was best we moved on...hope to not see them again. The family that is.
This person poked and probed...and then couldn't get out of its way quick enough! Not sure if you can see if clearly enough with the frantic arm movements!

Still thinking that the underwater camera that is sitting on Geoff's bench waiting to be packed still... would have been fantastic!!!
Mission accomplished...sea snakes found.

 Clearing the roads for overhanging bushes and would take the Shire months to decide if you could do that in Oz...and the answer would still be NO...unless a Shire vehicle was damaged in some way and then things would move!
PS: No safety stuff involved...probably just good old common sense...don't fall out of the moving vehicle.

 Limu Pools - Before it got like Disneyland and became Adventure Island with a twist!
A family feeding frenzy...

 Little buzz box....I think it is the only red car I have seen so far so I can recognise.

Cindy & Jeff Nother and Geoff
Fancy meeting up with some Kiwis who love Monty Python...old classics on record and TV. Cindy who is so organised that she too has her clock 5 minutes fast so she is never late!!!
It is like a mirror image.....too organised...yet very relaxed on holidays.
Two blokes who could not organise anything except a drink to keep them hydrated.....and food to keep their tummy's from growling. No you have to laugh.....its been very funny times.
But handy when we need some errands run. do you break a coconut....BBQ cooking....could not do without them. I think they are quite happy with those tasks.
Sssshhhhhh ......they are both sleeping now as they are so tired!
 Track to Matapa Chasm...I was in front so I had all the lizards to scare and the spider webs to go through....
The track was worth the wait.

 Water....water ...water...
Just a lovely place to be. Colors in the rocks and the fossilized coral in all shades of pink, green and brown.

 Geoff with a "G"and Cindy were first in while Jeff with a "J" and I were busy taking snaps.
They were a little slow getting in and the reason being it was f.f.f.f.f....freezing at first!

 Local family came for a swim.

 Another place that is only open certain times...will head back here for the drinks and dance on Wednesday night.
I am sure one of us will be able to let our hair down and get into the groove! (Stay tuned!)

 Busy Bee.........

Niue - Update

Fakalofa....(I don't say hello or good-bye in their lingo as it is pronounced like a commonly used word in in Oz and NZ)

Its now Tuesday apparently, have no idea what time it is but it does not matter. Some shops are open, some shut, some alternate between one village and another to maximise business......nothing happens in a hurry. Walked around the Shopping Centre in Alofi Monday, everyone loves to chat and it takes half an hour wherever you go. They all know about the floods across the country in Australia and surprised that we have been so close to them in Victoria.

Hired a car (little red Hyundai two door - the one with the least scratches and bits missing in the lot for eqiv $250 AUD for the week) and our neighbours Cindy and Jeff Nother are now out and about with us.
We also take in turns of cooking something out of nothing as foods are hit and miss in the supermarket. They are having a carpark sale today of all their "Out of Code" foods...........I think we have been eating them since we got here.

 This little bird loves company - joins us all at the pool each day.

 A visit here to get our licences...Hire a car, drive around and then get a licence!

 Typical housing around the island!

 Cindy & Jeff Nother  - Auckland
This was our trip to the bottom of the Island to the Fish Shop/Ice Cream Shop/Videos etc....
Wahoo and Yellow Fin Tuna purchased for a few fish dishes!

 Fishing canoes hidden everywhere.
 Near Mutalau village...Canoe Landing place
 Canoes lifted up into caves full of stalagmites and stalagtites
 Coconut Stop - Honesty box operates on many things around the island- if things operate at all.
Bought a couple to drink and shred....but need to get some tools to open them!

 Typical 6am morning.....heavy rain and that is all until night time.
Up at 6am to get to the Tuesday morning market.
Was trying to purchase bananas so pounced on this tasty hand for $15 ($11AUD) and there is about 80 bananas on it.
"Ä banana a day keeps the Doctor away"!!!!
Also some Niuean donuts that lacked a little sugar but they have not had any for a month and waiting for the boat to arrive and dried banana chips.

Snorkeling day today when low tide happens around 10am at Limu pools, Cindy and Jeff have been and encountered quite a few sea snakes but as Geoff did not remember to pack the underwater camera I gave him you will just have to believe me that we went looking for them along with the myriad of other colorful reef fish.
Banquet Night at Jenná's Restaurant tonight BUT if they do not get enough numbers it will be canceled. Have been trying to drum up some business for them as I would like to eat out once at least. High tourist season is when the whales are here with their calves so noone bothers too much until then.
Our next option after that is when we change accommodation into Alofi the second week and go to Washaway Cafe which is the only place open on a Sunday for food and drinks overlooking the rocky ocean.
Very few tourists here at the moment, about 20 max that come and go in week blocks, There is accommodation for about 100 at a time.
Most of these photos were taken on the move while traveling around the entire island.....the driver did not want to stop each time I wanted to snap......we will go around again and I will drive next time, it is about 60kms but some terribly rough road for about 15kms of it. I must say the air conditioner in the car is a blessing in the afternoon.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Limu Pools - Bike Ride

Listened to a thunderous roar of the waves into caves last night....but managed to sleep on and off all the same with a nice cool breeze thank goodness.

Decided to go and have a look close by at the caves and pools for snorkeling.

OMG! Not happy after riding around. My bum is sore and between potholes everywhere in the roads and humidity will have to hire a car on Monday. The 300m from the main road to our accommodation was too much uphill. Cannot afford to have a coronary on this island.

Off on the bike road....maybe 10am is a little too late and too warm!

Namukulu Jetty - Fishing canoes

Linu Pools - Namukulu

Limu Pools

Mermaid drying out....Limu Pools-Namukulu

Limu Pools

Thinking how we got down this ladder may not comply with OHS rules in Oz and unsteady footing underneath. Close enough appears good enough here and maybe the fine print that states good medical insurance is required if you intend to visit cuts out all future legal pursuits.

I am not showing you the color of my face when I got back but.......straight into the pool to cool down!
Thankfully a nice cool breeze and a cool drink and I am back to maybe "normal".

Geoff lent a helping hand to Brian and Teressa to put a roof back on the pool filtration motor the wind was not being kind. While sipping a drink I thought the least I could do was take a photo. It is good watching a team work in unison.

One of the three "friendly......or ......too friendly" dogs around....I am not trying to encourage them at all. Not even a sad face will entice me to share my food.
Relaxing the rest of the day and giving the pool a good workout. Not full of well toned bodies so gotta be happy about that! In fact we have it to ourselves.
Maybe in holiday mode I that the bike ride is over.

 Just another perfect sunset !

Night skies