Sunday, April 24, 2011

Favourite Photos

Playing around with some of my photos from holidays that may make it into a frame at some stage.
Hibiscus - Niue

Frangipani - Niue (Texture Background)

Walking to Reef Edge - Niue

Native Hibiscus - My garden

Color Change - Lord Howe Island

Rose - Color Change

Posterized Rain Drops

Frangipani - Vanuatu

Palm Tree - Ned;s Beach - Lord Howe Island


Falling Flowers - Port Macquarie

Rose Puzzle

Rose Petals

Friday, April 8, 2011

Koe Kia Niue (Good-bye to Niue)

The above link is from a Niue Website that shows their photos of villages.....I don't have many of those as a certain driver does not stop when requested to.

Woke this morning to a beautiful to pack and head to the airport at 10am to get baggage through and then kick back for a few hours before the plane comes in at 1pm. You never know when it will take off....exactly an hour after the other arrives is the best estimate.

Beautiful sunrise for my last morning - I don't get a good view of these at home.

Last view from Restoration Reef.

Island dancing last night....this girl was our waitress, receptionist, and dancer....all families have involvement in businesses. Usually there are six she said, however we were not about to get the whole show with only 11 there for the feast. Had some Coconut Crab (Uga) very much like a yabby but fresh tasting...not quite like a crayfish.


Who says white men can't dance.......??? Well guess what, they proved the saying right here!

 Homeward bound....see you soon!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Last to Auckland tomorrow.

Massage this morning and then supposed to go swimming but too rough in most placed and low tide is 5pm....too late to do anything.
Checked out two more walks.......Opaahi was best as there were quite  few sea snakes and crabs and loads of fish but they were being tossed around in a washing machine of foam and water. 
So were the snakes!

I hope there is not one coming up behind me while I am taking this photo!

Locals go out very early or late in the day to catch fish in their canoes. They generally headed out to buoys straight out from where we stayed the second week as they place burly around to attract the larger fish in......the water is too clear apparently.
Niue Fish cannot get fish on any menu at the moment, thinking this is another place that is no longer used that was set up by the NZ Government.

Geoff just about to make it out again to the point as a record of completion. did it. You obviously do not suffer from vertigo.

The point from another angle.....not sure how this old fellow put it together.

Reef edge

Wash Away beach...bit too rough for snorkeling today.

There were three out and about together so needed to keep an eye on where they were heading.
Heading out to a Island Feast................stay tuned for what unfolds from here. It may be canceled and no one lets you know. Then the islanders will not put on a performance if there is not enough money to pay them which is fair enough. I guess I am ready for home but I hope I can stay relaxed for a few more days at least.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Limu Pools - Sea Tracks and Niue Sunset

Out and about trying to see what we have missed before it is too late!

Went for a coffee first at a place we hadn't been....sign says OPEN at the entrance....sign on the door says we go again. We know Crazy Uga's is open so we went down the Utuko sea track close by and spotted heaps of butterflies, spiders and the fish but the Tide was in so will head back later in the afternoon.
Speaking to another couple holidaying and they have had their name down for three days to go swimming with the dolphins but they are not around at the moment. We had a quick glance of a large pod from Hoi beach the other day but maybe they have gone elsewhere, they also went to get their licences for a souvenir and the camera had broken down so paid the money and no photocard! Not happy campers....thankfully it was OK when we got ours.....may have broken after Geoff had his taken.

Takeaway Hamburger and chips....Niue style!

Loads of food.....may not be snorkeling today.
One of the many spiders with its spun sac.

Limu Pools

These flowers are growing wild everywhere.....a pink carpet in some areas.

Limu Pools - Tide in and a little rougher than previous times.

Sea snake coming out to say hello.

And another..................

Reef fish hiding in the rockpools.

This should be called "Lizard Island"rather than Niue.....there are ghecko's and skinks or similar to our drop tails everywhere you walk.

These are the new toilets all over the place, like a mini sauna inside!

This was Air Niue office but I think that airline may have been also a victim to Cyclone Heta and the sudden disappearance of many of the population.

Opaahi Sea Track at low tide.

Eating size...but too quick for me.

Coral Gardens - Sunset and Drinks
Mission for another sunset which have been pretty ordinary this week. less rain but the tides have been low late in the day so photos have not been that good. I think we struck the best week when we arrived.

More incorrect information.....the paperwork given to us stated that there was to be a full moon last night...not to happen....the smallest slice of moon to be found only. Won't be getting reflections on the water.

Arrived at Coral Gardens for a sunset drink....sign out the front said beer and pizza $20 so we thought that would be ok for tea while I waited for sunset. Get inside and it is only a sausage sizzle. The lady behind the bar says $2 sausage in bread so Geoff went to get one and it turns out it is $4 each!
Before we go we want something to just be as it is supposed to be.....maybe that is the flight home.....although if the flight comes in early - it also leaves early so you have to be prepared to sit around and wait in anticipation. If you miss it you are stuck for another week.
Tomorrow night we go to Talo's for an Island Feast.....fingers crossed that will be worth waiting for and supposedly Island dancing and music as well.

Alofi Harbour

Yacht moored at the harbour for the past week.

Coral Gardens

I cannot believe the camera did not show the deep red of the still looks pinkish.