Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Monday - Another Lazy day!

I am now thinking that retirement will be great if you have enough money to do as you please...hence I will need to keep working. Momentarily it sounded OK.

After going to sleep watching the starry skies out the window and waking to a beautiful sunrise and then a downpour....you get a little bit of everything here so could never be bored.
Faint rainbow

View from the bedroom.

Called into the Coin and Philatelic Store to catch up with Carmen, who I had communicated with while looking for accommodation in Niue. Found out she was originally from NSW and married a Nuiean and has been on the island for 20 years. She asked if we would call and see her again and we will head to Juanna's Restaurant Tuesday as it is Karaoke night and Carmen's daughter is having her birthday there. Purchased some stamps and a newly released Royal Wedding stamp set.....these are the ones that have a perforation between the pair and William is worth $3.40 and Catherine $2.40.

Funny little hairy balls.......

Steps to a beautiful swimming spot with loads of rock pools and fish.
Togulu Sea Walk....near Tamakautoga.

Looking toward Matavai Resort

Reflections- that is how clear it is. There are heaps of colored ones but these were in closer to shore.

At the reef edge..waiting for some cool water but it was bath water temperature straight off the reef edge.

Couldn't quite manage a Bo Derek run along the water, this is my best beachy pose. If you are wondering why I have a T-Shirt on it is because we weren't actually heading for a swim at the time so will remember to take everything with us next time. Luckily had the reef shoes at least.

Local catching some fish at Wash Away Cafe


Juanna's Restaurant - Chatted with a couple, Mark and Donna Ranfurley who have recently returned to the island after being made redundant from their jobs in Auckland as we were the only ones there for lunch.
We are invited to have drinks (Home brew) at their home across at Liku tomorrow and I said we will go. Geoff has now instructed me to stop chatting to strangers as he never sees this many people in 6 months at home and we have more invitations and not that much time left.

 I will have to super glue my mouth I think.

Had to laugh, the fella came out of the kitchen and we ordered a beer and checked out the menu....sorry NO FISH...we are hearing that every time we go out. No fish...that seems crazy but the water is too clear and clean and they cannot get big fish to hang around the reef.
You can get it at the Israel Mart so I am unsure why restaurants do not get a supply from them. Anyway the guy told us he is changing the whole menu for tomorrow night as he has just come back from New Zealand and said ....."how do you say....learn to be cook or something"!  Cooking school I imagine.
Gotta love them, cannot wait to see what he serves up. It was such a huge meal today just for a lunch.

Booked in for another massage on Wednesday morning.....not sure I can fit it in but I will go early!
Still seem to be flaking and peeling so I officially have a multi colored skin cover.

Hope everyone is OK at home. XX

PS:Cindy & Jeff....it was Geoffs turn to cook so we had Ponsonby Pies....they were very nice.

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