Friday, March 25, 2011

Destination Niue

Rain in Melbourne.....

Darren Coughlan stopped us at Tullarmarine...haven't seen him for about 10 years, ex Quambatookian, always see someone you know! He was off to Fiji.

Rain and more rain in Auckland.......

After being frisked as per usual at every airport we finally arrived in Niue. A quaint little airport without the sniffer dogs and all the trimmings.....but loads of burley blokes to put the wind up you if you were doing the wrong thing!

PS: Niue pronounced New-ay.....not New - ee as I have been saying!  Ooops

Picked up by our hosts...Teressa and Brian and head to Namukulu Cottages.

Niue - Rock of Polynesia

First stop......Bonds Store for essential liquid replenishments as Geoff would not allow Duty Free Shopping at the airport äs we would be late!!!"That was not the case but purchased nothing regardless. Guess who will take their time on the trip back?

Bond Store - Duty Free Alchohol
Unfortunately no out and none ordered on the ship to arrive Monday. Supplies are once a month! Bummer.

Supermarket was next door and we gathered supplies as we are 10kms from Alofi, the main town. Long life milk......ah gotta love it! No wine....they have not had sugar for weeks, that won't bother me but luckily I raided the Motel at Auckland of sugar and coffee. All meat is frozen and vegies are limited.

Namukulu Cottages

Wow is it humid or what? You forget working in air conditioned offices all day what it can be like outside. Hair is now curly for the rest of my makeup...just shorts and t-shirts, and those beers had better not take long to cool down in the freezer or I will die of dehydration.

Have to remember we are now back to it being Friday after leaving Auckland on Saturday.....if I miss church on Sunday I have a darn good excuse.

I have been for a walk to look at the view. Not bad but it is a good bike ride to the caves and swim holes...that will be tomorrow to have a look around.

Must have been a big day......... and it is only 4pm. One thing about it Geoff doesn't muck around getting into relax mode. I am off to explore again, I can relax tomorrow or the next day! Apparently the sunsets are superb from the lookout here on the hill.

Geoff enjoying the start of his "hoizontal holiday" without a book in his hands.

Tonight I am making homemade hamburgers and cutting up cabbage and carrots to make a coleslaw. That was as good as I could do with what was available at the supermarket. I can get some taro as well.....I am unsure that you can ever make that into something tasty, but I may have to experiment.

Beer is still warm...............may have to venture in for a swim.

Good night !

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