Saturday, March 26, 2011

Limu Pools - Bike Ride

Listened to a thunderous roar of the waves into caves last night....but managed to sleep on and off all the same with a nice cool breeze thank goodness.

Decided to go and have a look close by at the caves and pools for snorkeling.

OMG! Not happy after riding around. My bum is sore and between potholes everywhere in the roads and humidity will have to hire a car on Monday. The 300m from the main road to our accommodation was too much uphill. Cannot afford to have a coronary on this island.

Off on the bike road....maybe 10am is a little too late and too warm!

Namukulu Jetty - Fishing canoes

Linu Pools - Namukulu

Limu Pools

Mermaid drying out....Limu Pools-Namukulu

Limu Pools

Thinking how we got down this ladder may not comply with OHS rules in Oz and unsteady footing underneath. Close enough appears good enough here and maybe the fine print that states good medical insurance is required if you intend to visit cuts out all future legal pursuits.

I am not showing you the color of my face when I got back but.......straight into the pool to cool down!
Thankfully a nice cool breeze and a cool drink and I am back to maybe "normal".

Geoff lent a helping hand to Brian and Teressa to put a roof back on the pool filtration motor the wind was not being kind. While sipping a drink I thought the least I could do was take a photo. It is good watching a team work in unison.

One of the three "friendly......or ......too friendly" dogs around....I am not trying to encourage them at all. Not even a sad face will entice me to share my food.
Relaxing the rest of the day and giving the pool a good workout. Not full of well toned bodies so gotta be happy about that! In fact we have it to ourselves.
Maybe in holiday mode I that the bike ride is over.

 Just another perfect sunset !

Night skies

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