Friday, April 8, 2011

Koe Kia Niue (Good-bye to Niue)

The above link is from a Niue Website that shows their photos of villages.....I don't have many of those as a certain driver does not stop when requested to.

Woke this morning to a beautiful to pack and head to the airport at 10am to get baggage through and then kick back for a few hours before the plane comes in at 1pm. You never know when it will take off....exactly an hour after the other arrives is the best estimate.

Beautiful sunrise for my last morning - I don't get a good view of these at home.

Last view from Restoration Reef.

Island dancing last night....this girl was our waitress, receptionist, and dancer....all families have involvement in businesses. Usually there are six she said, however we were not about to get the whole show with only 11 there for the feast. Had some Coconut Crab (Uga) very much like a yabby but fresh tasting...not quite like a crayfish.


Who says white men can't dance.......??? Well guess what, they proved the saying right here!

 Homeward bound....see you soon!

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