Saturday, April 2, 2011

Looking Around

Hardly anything open Saturday, a few basic places like the bakery, Information Centre etc....big crowd at Bingo at the Pacific Way Bar but we gave that a miss. I would hate to yell out BINGO and take their money away from them.

Meandered to Talo's to book in for Thursday nights buffet and they had a market on....well the two remaining women there told us we were late and was a really big market had we got there at 7am. Purchased some homemade cheese dip and some relish and got the low down on what to do and where we had been....apparently Restoration Reef is classed as "position, position position" ...and we are there. They told me to use a walking stick to get out to the point on the narrow if I carry one of those around with me on holidays.

 Still trying to find somewhere that they cook the Coconut it is a delicacy it is probably eaten at home rather than sharing with the tourists.

 The freight ship left late last night and this yacht was in the harbour this morning.

 Clayton's Bar....the Bar you have when you do not need a drink. Don't think this has been open for some time.
 Holy Moley....what does Fakamolemole mean????
That is the humungus word for "please" not too many people have manners when the word is this long!

 Still unsure why you paint barber red and white stripes on palm trees...
will try and find that one out while I am here.
 Fakatufono....this is the Government building, they employ about 450 people on the island....the biggest employer of course....and the best building to be found other than Government House.

 If you are not at would be playing golf on Saturdays because Sunday is church and a day of leisure. One hole runs alongside the prison, which is usually empty.
All yards are tidied on many whipper snippers cleaning up along the roads, around the graves in the front yards and around all the empty houses.......that only accommodate washing strung from one side to the other.

International Airport - Niue

Awaiting a nice sunset a prime position and has not been the perfect conditions as yet.

Some photos from Avaiki Caves from this morning before the downpour that made visibility almost impossible to get out of the water because you could not see where you were stepping underfoot. Came from nowhere!

Geoff heading to the reef edge.

Hard to take a photo when the water keeps coming into the cave. Only one snake seen today, although we were not in for too long due to the tide times being a little different to what was printed in the information guide.
Cave on the way to the swimming and snorkeling site.


  1. You're looking very relaxed mum. I hope you have been sleeping ok! There seems to be a lot of swearing in their language but you seem to be having a fakingudtime

  2. Nope no extra sleep, but when I wake up to see the sunrise which would be 6.00am here it is 3.00am in I should live here and it is a respectable time to get up each morning. The sky is full of stars to go to bed looking at as we are up on a cliff looking straight out. Very relaxing.
