Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Togo Chasm and Liku

Had a bit of the day planned. Needed to be over in Liku at 1pm for a taste of home brew at Donna and Mark Ranfurly's place. Decided to do Togo (n always goes before the g apparently so we are murdering the pronunciation here) ...oh well.
Decided some exercise for that would be a good idea ......hindsight is a funny thing!

Off we go to attempt a walk and view that should be spectacular but I am already convinced I will only go so far!
Looking for tracks.....WTF......there are arrows nailed to trees but it would appear that they have been destroyed. I hope we can get to the right place.
Check out the arrow nailed to the tree...that is what we were looking for.

Mossy coverage on logs.

Vines wrapping around trees.....isn't nature wonderful?

Where are the spiders...the webs were everywhere. Reminded me of home!

This is Geoff telling me to stop taking *#&@ photos and keep moving....too steamy to stop and start!

Yeah.....we see for the hard part.
Eeeek.....Nope this is as far as I go....I will wait here.

OK a little further but that is it. I have already ripped my trousers on the razor sharp volcanic rock.

Wave when you get to the end.......

Thats a wave I think, not a call for help as he is on his own now. And I have the water.....oops.

Somewhere up the top is the chicken waiting to head back to the car.

This is the oasis that the track leads to....ladder is 36 steps apparently and straight up and down so no going down for the feint-hearted.

Happy to be on more solid Terra firma....

Ha...mission accomplished was a solid 90 minute walk uphill and down uneven rocky steps......sweat aplenty and never enough water for what fluids you lose in these temperatures. Tick that off as one never to repeat. Hot water...ripped duds....sweat in the eyes, running down our backs......sunburn......if I haven't lost a few grams I will be so mad.

 Liku Village Visit
Donna and Mark Ranfurly - Met them at Juanna's and they invited us to their home in the village of Liku for a few home brews....and not a bad drop or 5.... I must admit. Great sense of humour both of them....a good afternoon finding out alot about Niue and what makes the place tick. Urgency is not something high on the agenda.
They have land that they are growing a myriad of items that are needed on the island but that takes alot of effort as the soil is not suited to all produce. Good luck on their project.

Us aussies not handling the heat too well...had to head indoors before we created a pool of sweat on the new deck.
This is Roger the Rooster.....cocky thing pardon the pun....rules the roost...pardon the pun again!
No manners nearly took Geoff's fingers with the tasty morsel on offer!
Went to Juanna's for menu he said. When we got there we found out again that all is not what it appears on Niue. Menu had alot of NO's on it....only a few dishes to choose from. OK can deal with that....a glass of coke...sorry it is warm, melted the ice cubes immediately. Mozzies everywhere I had to go out to the car to get the roll on mozzie repellent. Ordered Garlic Bread for entree....sorry no bread........

By this stage we were laughing.....this place you need to chill out....we will have what you have available. We have seen a few people be very rude because they do not have what they want...they need to remember the boat of supplies was 3 weeks late so they still have not had goods delivered or supplied.

If anyone wants to need to get into slow mode as soon as you leave the plane. I just love it. Hasn't done me any harm chilling out I must admit. My problem will be getting back into the fast pace the day I return to work.


  1. the oasis looks pretty nice if you take the steps out of the equation.

  2. We loved your description of the Togo track hahaha. It certainly was a challenge and we're doing it all again this August 2012. Glutton's for punishment but who can resist Niue's beauty. We just love it. Loved reading your blog. Great work and you found some spots that we couldn't. Would love to get in touch and ask you where they are.

  3. Thanks for comment. Not sure if there is an email option on this or not. Otherwise go to Trip Advisor and check out JennyP59 I think it is or comments under Niue. We loved it.....however not for everyone if they don't like leaving luxury behind. My kind of trip.
