Thursday, April 7, 2011

Last to Auckland tomorrow.

Massage this morning and then supposed to go swimming but too rough in most placed and low tide is 5pm....too late to do anything.
Checked out two more walks.......Opaahi was best as there were quite  few sea snakes and crabs and loads of fish but they were being tossed around in a washing machine of foam and water. 
So were the snakes!

I hope there is not one coming up behind me while I am taking this photo!

Locals go out very early or late in the day to catch fish in their canoes. They generally headed out to buoys straight out from where we stayed the second week as they place burly around to attract the larger fish in......the water is too clear apparently.
Niue Fish cannot get fish on any menu at the moment, thinking this is another place that is no longer used that was set up by the NZ Government.

Geoff just about to make it out again to the point as a record of completion. did it. You obviously do not suffer from vertigo.

The point from another angle.....not sure how this old fellow put it together.

Reef edge

Wash Away beach...bit too rough for snorkeling today.

There were three out and about together so needed to keep an eye on where they were heading.
Heading out to a Island Feast................stay tuned for what unfolds from here. It may be canceled and no one lets you know. Then the islanders will not put on a performance if there is not enough money to pay them which is fair enough. I guess I am ready for home but I hope I can stay relaxed for a few more days at least.

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